digital investment assesement value

What’s the best way to identify the most impactful technology investments?

How can i evaluate the return on investment for a major digital project?

How do I maximize returns on my public technology projects?

Maximizing the returns on your digital investments

We focus on delivering actionable insights by combining analytical rigor with a tailored methodology. Our collaborative process ensures each step—from initial evaluation to ROI projection—empowers clients to make informed, strategic decisions that maximize impact.


Rank Initiatives by value and feasibility to guide immediate future investments.

Investment Priority Roadmap

Define cost and benefit categories with detailed startup and ongoing breakdowns.

Cost/Benefit Assessment

Generate cost/benefit estimates with researched comparables, providing detailed projections over time.

Cost/Benefit Category Identification

Calculate returns for initiatives with varied assumptions scenarios.

ROI Calculation


Benefits of digital investment value assessments

Support strategic decision-making with robust cost/benefit analyses and ROI projections.

Identify the most impactful and feasible technology investments with clarity and precision.

Pinpoints high impact digital investment opportunities to maximize returns.

Prioritize initiatives with clear, actionable guidance on immediate and long-term investments.


client success stories

An artist
Can present live online

Sidewalk’s Digital Integration Team

Aerial view of New York City showcasing its iconic skyline and bustling streets.
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Port Convington Digital Master Plan

A futuristic depiction of interconnected devices symbolizing the evolution of the Internet of Things.
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Connected Communities Digital Platform

discover more of Our Services

digital master planning services icon

Digital master planning

Tactical plans for digital investments in public spaces, from infrastructure to user applications.

Portfolio Scaling services Icon

Portfolio Scaling

Expanding successful technology deployments across a broader portfolio, including across agencies, districts and municipalities.

Project management services icon

Project management

Efficiently managing and implementing projects from ideation to execution, ensuring on-time, on-budget delivery.

Ready to Make Smart Investments?

Assess your project’s potential with confidence. Contact UrbanSense.